Deed is done. Word is bond.

On a rainy Samhain night, Jeffery (X) Martin and Hannah (Cootiebug) Lunsford were joined together in reasonably holy matrimony. It’s legal, anyway, and a new chapter in our lives begins. May it be a very long chapter, with run-on sentences, semi-colons and strange Joyce-like paragraph structure.








IMGP4472 How often do you see two anarchists join hands to cut wedding cake? Cootie is Ragged Robin. I am V.


IMGP4497Open mouth, insert foot.

Normal blogging will resume soon.

4 thoughts on “Deed is done. Word is bond.

  1. Eww, you had to include the foot pic. It disturbs me because its a real life Ragged Robin, but shes messing with that gross jelly foot.

  2. “reasonably” holy ??

    I’m not sure if I resent or resmble that remark … circle was cast, and we had all four elements in attendance, and there was mead, which exemplifies manna from heaven if anything does …

    “reasonably” indeed!


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